With a month to go until one of my favourite Google services is rendered for glue, I’ve been inspired to hunt for a replacement!
The inspiration came in the form of a reminder about all of my treasured Google Buzz content, and how I might want to back it up before it died. I don’t want to, of course, but it did remind me that Google were killing Reader because they are utter bastards.
Sure, I could switch over to feedly or pay for feedbin or something like that, but I do have a bit of a penchant for rolling my own when it comes to web services. And I do pay for this VPS every month.
Upon poking around, I found an open source web-based RSS reader – Tiny Tiny RSS. Developed since 2005 by a deeply sarcastic Russian, and all full of tasty AJAX, I thought it might foot the bill.
So, install it I did! A little wrestle with PostgreSQL later, an import of my feeds from Reader, and the addition of a Fever API emulator plugin then – voila! A fully featured, super quick, can’t-take-it-away-from-me-capricious-online-provider type application, syncing with Reeder on my phone. And what’s more, an hour or so of my time debugging the Fever API emulator has fixed its compatibility with Postgres.
Look! Ain’t it pretty?

Anyway, yes, very geeky but I’m pretty pleased.